Get One On One Help Or Advice Relevant To My Situation (Short Version)
Sometimes, the complexities of parenting go beyond what standard courses, tools and resources can address. Each family is unique, with its own dynamic, challenges, and needs. Therefore, in certain situations, more personalized guidance can make a significant difference. This is where professional coaching services come into play. Watch as Dr. Tim Thayne, in the video…...
Help My Children Learn Self-Care Skills and Habits (Short Version)
It’s wonderful to see you taking the initiative to help your child develop essential self-care skills and habits. It’s a mission that we are fully committed to, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. It’s like teaching them to fly. And just like any fledgling, they need a gentle, supportive hand....
Learn Skills To Help Me Be A Better Parent And Spouse (Short Version)
We applaud your commitment to becoming a better parent and spouse. It’s a challenging journey, and we’re here to walk it with you. You’re here because you’re dedicated to growing – both as a parent and a spouse. That’s great! Growing is a bit like tending a garden – a bit of patience, care, and...
Implement a Family System That Will Help All My Children (Short Version)
We’ve all heard the saying, “failing to plan is planning to fail”. This couldn’t be more true when it comes to raising kids. Now, we’re not saying that you’re ‘failing’ if you haven’t planned out every chore, rule, or reward. We’re not all Super Parents with a superhero cape and a sparkling, chore-chart scepter. But...
Parent More Effectively With A Spouse Or Co-Parent
One of Trustyy’s core parenting principles is: “parental unity creates family stability and strength”. Whether you’re a happily married couple seeking to fine-tune your communication or a separated pair striving to navigate conflict and find common ground, we applaud your wisdom in prioritizing unity. Imagine you and your partner are a two-person rowing team. Your...
Parent More Effectively With A Spouse Or Co-Parent (Short Version)
One of Trustyy’s core parenting principles is: “parental unity creates family stability and strength”. Whether you’re a happily married couple seeking to fine-tune your communication or a separated pair striving to navigate conflict and find common ground, we applaud your wisdom in prioritizing unity. Imagine you and your partner are a two-person rowing team. Your...
Get help with a child behavior issue (Short Version)
Each child is a unique, constantly evolving puzzle, always keeping us on our toes. One minute, we’re relishing in the good times, the next minute, we’re wondering how a simple request to clean their room turned into World War III. Just when we think we’ve got them pegged, our kids surprise us with new challenges....
Get Help With a Child Behavior Issue
Each child is a unique, constantly evolving puzzle, always keeping us on our toes. One minute, we’re relishing in the good times, the next minute, we’re wondering how a simple request to clean their room turned into World War III. Just when we think we’ve got them pegged, our kids surprise us with new challenges....
Solution Talk – A Parent’s Guide To Effective Communication In Families
Welcome to the Solution Talk Master Class, a comprehensive guide to effective communication in families that equips parents and teens with tools and strategies to communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts, and foster a positive and collaborative relationship. In this course, we will explore Solution Talk, a powerful approach to problem-solving and communication that promotes understanding,...