Foxholes, Friendship, and Family

In the fall of 1943, my father enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Prior to his departure for boot camp, and having lost his father when he was just 13, my dad was counseled by his older brother to always make decisions that would give him the best chance to return home.

After intensive training at Camp Pendleton, CA, the 4th Marine Division shipped out on January 13, 1944, just five days after my dad’s 20th birthday. Over the next 13 months, the 4th Marine division made four major amphibious assaults in the battles of Roi-Namur, Saipan, Tinian, and Okinawa, with the allies suffering almost 18,000 casualties.

My dad was always reluctant to talk of his wartime experiences and it wasn’t until I was returning home from a stay in Spain in 1979 and had a layover in Chicago that I learned more. I spent the night with the family of my dad’s best friend from his Marine Corps days and at that time, I asked Keith why he had befriended my dad. Keith was a worldly man, quite the opposite of my father, and in less exceptional circumstances, their friendship would seem unusual to the casual observer. “Your dad was always in the right place at the right time and made good decisions under pressure,” he said. “Once we were in a foxhole with several other Marines while we were being shelled. For some reason, he looked at me and said, ‘I am out of here’ and he scrambled out of the foxhole and ran to one about 50 yards from us. I had the distinct impression to follow him and almost immediately upon diving into that foxhole, the one we had just been in was hit by enemy shells and everyone in it perished. That was just one of many experiences. From that time on, wherever your dad went, I went as well.”

Growing up I had always appreciated my dad and sought his advice, but never until that point did I realize how his decisions during the war had impacted me and his example of always doing what was right. This has helped guide my decisions throughout my life as I focus on trying to do the right thing regardless of the consequences. While my dad did not escape injury (as evidenced by the residue of gunpowder stains he wore on his back for the rest of his life), he made it through these battles and returned home.

Amid the horrors of war, my dad kept on him at all times a photo of his best-girl, the woman who later would become his wife and my mom. Together they set the standard of doing what is right, forming family traditions that have been preserved and practiced into the fourth generation: caroling around the neighborhood on Christmas Eve, service at the food bank and shelters, and helping those in need. Today, my parents are both gone. But memories remain. I am sure this family is what my dad dreamed about on those battlefields of the Pacific almost 80 years ago.

– David Allred

David Allred works as the Vice President of Management Services for a transportation company. For nearly a quarter century, Dave worked for the Utah Jazz of the NBA. Upon leaving the Jazz, a sportswriter wrote, “He is John Stockton in a suit. He is Karl Malone, without the muscles.” Though he’s run half marathons for years, he recently completed his first full marathon. He and his wife Julie have six children.

tim headshot

Dr. Tim Thayne Presents:

How Parents Can Put A Stop To Their Teen's Self Destructive Behaviors WITHOUT Conflict Or Walking On Eggshells

Mike Christian

Back-End Developer & DevOps​

Mike is one of those brilliant, self-taught, back end developers that you always hear about. As a youth he could trust that “My mother would love me no matter what . . .” When he isn’t cranking out new code, Mike keeps up on the newest technologies and every Tuesday and Thursday nights he trains SpeedSoft with his team.

Rafael Pampoch

Web Developer

Rafael has his degree in Marketing and Advertising and years of experience with our dev team. As a teen he could trust that “The most important thing in life is love, and the most valuable things are our family and friends.” When he isn’t working on making the website and mobile versions of Trustyy seamless and functional, he unwinds by exploring nature. His favorite activities are climbing mountains, camping, going to the beach, swimming, playing the harmonica and always learning new things.

Afton Wilde


Afton’s experience is in marketing and bookkeeping.  As a teen she could trust that with her parents “Feeding the horses and milking the cow each day before school–not after–was a must.”  When she isn’t busy with keeping Trustyy’s lights on, you’ll usually find her baking up a new treat or working on a sewing project.

Nicoli Cristini

Marketing Assistant

Nicoli has a degree in Multimedia Production.  She has worked with our team of developers for three years.  She learned to trust her own parents when they taught her “Things won’t come easy and that working hard will bring me great blessings!”  When she isn’t putting together beautiful marketing pieces for the Trustyy App she likes to take pictures, play the guitar, piano, and drums, and meet up with her family to laugh over the silly things they did as kids.

Adriano Rodrigues

Mobile Developer

Adriano is certified in Analysis and Systems Development.  In his family he could trust the fact that “One difficult experience teaches me that failure is not the end, but rather an opportunity for growth and learning.”  When he is away from his work in making sure the Trustyy App buttons and bells and whistles are working properly, he likes to go to the gym, to the beach to surf, on walks with his dog, or go out with his girlfriend.

Lucas Baumgart

Product Designer

Lucas’s work experience is in User Experience, Interface Design and Product Management. As a teen he could trust that “In my home honesty was highly valued and lying was not tolerated.”  When he isn’t at work making sure the Trustyy App is easy on the eyes, Lucas likes hiking, gaming, going out for dinner, and spending time with family.

Cadu Olivera

Front End Developer

Cadu has his education in Analysis and System Development.  While growing up he could always trust that “My parents would be there to support from playing soccer at the park to learning to ride a bike.”   When he isn’t making sure things are easily navigated for our Trustyy App users, he likes to play beach soccer and enjoy music of any type, but specifically rock, country, R&B, and pop.

Mike Curi

Back End Developer

Mike is one of those brilliant, self-taught, back-end developers that you always hear about. As a youth he could trust that “My mother would love me no matter what.” When he isn’t cranking out new code, Mike keeps up on the newest technologies and every Tuesday and Thursday nights he trains SpeedSoft with his team. 

Roxanne Thayne

Co-Founder/Chief Marketing Officer

Roxanne received her bachelor’s degree in history and secondary education.  She has worked in publishing and marketing for the past 14 years.  In her family Roxanne says she could trust that “Her grammar and posture would be consistently corrected, to help her to become a lady.”  When she isn’t busy writing and beautifying things for the Trustyy App, you can find her reading biographies, practicing yoga, or gathering the family to talk business, celebrate wins or just plain hang out.

Sidney Rodrigues

Co-Founder/Chief Technology Officer

Sidney has a bachelor’s degree in Web Development and has worked in technology for 16 years, building apps for the last 10 years. Growing up he could trust that “It was always expected that I would fix anything related to technology.”  When he isn’t managing the development of the Trustyy App, you will find him spending time with his wife and kids. He loves to make Brazillian BBQ with his family.

Jim Lee

Co-Founder/Chief Product Officer

Jim has a degree in Design and over 25 years of experience creating SaaS products and managing talented product and development teams.  In his years at home as the oldest of five he could trust that “Each child got a weekly ‘night-up’ where we got to stay up late with a parent and do anything we wanted with them.”  When he isn’t looking 10 miles down the road for what will come next on the Trustyy App, you will find Jim canyoneering, doing photography, watercolor painting, or keeping up on the latest gadgets and technologies.

Eric Turner

Co-Founder/Chief Operations Officer

Eric earned his degree in Communications, Public Relations and Advertising, then added on an MBA.  He says he could trust that “His parents were honest people who kept their commitments–especially to their kids.”  When Eric isn’t keeping everyone at Trustyy on task, he is an outdoor enthusiast, year around, rain or shine, cold or hot, with biking in the summer and skiing in the winter.

Tim Thayne

Founder | Chief Executive Officer

Tim earned masters and doctoral degrees in Marriage and Family Therapy, and has 30 years of experience working with families.  While growing up Tim says he could trust that “My mother would love me no matter what, and that my dad would require that I respect my mother.”  When he isn’t busy guiding the vision for the Trustyy App, you can find Tim working around the house and yard, taking care of his sheep, dogs and horses, or enjoying a game of Corn Hole with the family.